Friday 19 April 2013

Contents Flat Plan

For my contents page, I looked at NME for my inspiration. I have used several images instead of overloading the page with text, as this may put the reader off. Several images will keep the reader interested, and will be more eye catching, making them want to turn the page.

 Instead of using the conventional title of 'Contents' for the title of my page, I swayed more in the direction of an NME style title by choosing 'This Week'. I have placed this at the top, and I want the font to be quite large to stand out to the reader. Because this is the contents page, I want to overlay the page numbers over the images in a colour that will contrast well will the background of all the images, to catch the reader's eye. I will use images that I have taken from the concerts I went to in February, and the photo shoot I had with Ellie which will link to the cover and double page spread. I will use this for my main image on the page. 

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