Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Newsletter mockups

This is an initial mockup of my prelim task newsletter that I created in Microsoft Publisher. I still need to consider what features I want to include within it (so I can add the cover lines) and I need to think of what headline I want to include. I will also think about possible colour schemes and images I will use.

I have decided to include an image of a year 9 student taking part in a science experiment, as it backs up my ideology that Deyes is a traditional school, with traditional values (that students are academic and happy). I will use my own camera for this, and I will use my younger sister as a model for this photograph. Hopefully I can get a professional looking image, which will take up the whole background of the cover, as it would do on typical magazine. I have also used the masthead 'Deyes News' - I may change this in the future, but I think this simplistic title will be more professional than perhaps a typical 'cringey' one (such as a play on words with the word 'Deyes' as in our actual school newsletter here at Deyes - 'Deyes of our Lives'). I will also use the school logo on the cover, which will help with my colour scheme. The school badge is red, black, white and blue, however, the colours are very vibrant. I may tone down these colours, as I have previously seen on the two newsletters that I have analysed, bright primary colours can make a newsletter look a bit immature and unprofessional.

This is my mockup of the contents page of my newsletter.

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