Saturday, 26 January 2013

Photoshop Editing

Due to the fact that we will need to use photoshop to edit photographs for our music magazine, during our lesson, we had a go at using some of the editing tools to crop photos, increase/ decrease the contrast/ brightness, and use the spot heal and clone stamp tools. Below are some examples of the originals and the edits.

As you can see, I used the crop tool to crop this image to get rid of unwanted and unnecessary background - this edit allowed me to make the image more focused to the object (in this case the planes).

For this photograph, I decreased the colour curves, which decreased the brightness of the image ( the top is the edit of the original below it).

On this photograph I used the Polygonal Lasso tool to select the area in the mirror, and then I selected the inverse and turned that black and white. This is a colour burst technique.

On this image, I used the spot healing tool to erase the spots off of the Dalmatian's face and shoulders.

For this photograph I used the clone stamp to take a section of the background and print it in front of the bottles. To make this look more realistic, I had to take sections of the background from a variety of different places.

Overall, these photoshop lessons were very helpful, as these techniques will be necessary in order for our magazine to look professional. I found the clone stamping the most difficult, as it was hard to get the background not to look fake, but when it's done really well it is a very effective editing technique which will potentially be used in the production of my music magazine. Also, I think that the spot healing will be very useful in editing the shots that I need to take of 'bands', as airbrushing is very common in the magazine industry in general, in order to make them look flawless.

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